The new album isn't as good as their old stuff, obviously, but it is a lot better than the **** they have been releasing. Unfortunately, only about half the album is actually worth listening to.
I don't trust it. Is metallica sponsoring you now, JH58?
No! I just really like it, had it in my car for about a week and half now and just think it's very good! One song in particular is back to basics Metallica and IMO it's a welcome return!
Guitar legend Jimi Hendrix was dyslexic, he choked on his own vimto...
I don't trust it. Is metallica sponsoring you now, JH58?
I'll just have to hear a sample to see if I like it. I don't even know what there "hit" is. I keep buying cd's and throwing them away if they're no good. allot of 16 dollar frisbees out there.
No! I just really like it, had it in my car for about a week and half now and just think it's very good! One song in particular is back to basics Metallica and IMO it's a welcome return!
okay, okay. I'll just have to hear a sample song or something first. I don't even know what they're "hit" is. They've been breaking my heart since "Load" came out (which was a very fitting name). Everybody kept saying (before their next disaster hit the cd racks),"oh, just wait. This new album is gonna be bad ass." I keep throwing away too many crappy cd's as it is cause I'm so out of touch with music (I work too much and am married). I buy whatever the tunnel trolls at work tell me to buy.
Here you go then, this will be the 'hit' of the album I reckons
Another accurate depiction of troops by people who've never been there (loved the "soft-cap" in a combat zone), ha ha. Actually I kind of liked the song. Glad to see Kirk doing solos again. I'll pick it up.
Well I found myself at Hot Topic over the weekend, so I decided to pick up a copy. Not really surprised. On the first spin I heard a couple of songs I liked. There are some bits and pieces of other songs that I thought were o.k., but mostly it sounds like they're trying too hard most of the time. I hear bits of "And Justice" and "Sanitarium" in there too. I'm not into the retro thing. Maybe it's a sign of better things to come.