To be honest, I was worried that McCain was going to win before the election, just because of racism. Now I'm worried that there will be an assassination attempt... I worry too much...
How would you like to be a member of the Secret Service right now? Don't worry about Obama. Even though racism is still a huge problem in this country (most of the Southern states voted McCain), they cannot stop the future. We're getting "browner" every day. The minorities will become the majority soon. Twenty years ago I was harassed by Klansmen cops, thrown up against squad cars and called a "wetback" just for having the nerve to walk down the sidewalk, and now there's a half-black President! HaHa!! It's ****ing hilarious to me! Their world is changing and they can't stop it. Just like when they sailed to this continent and destroyed all the native ways of life. We're throwing Manifest Destiny in reverse!
I'm sorry, I hate Obama. Before anyone calls me a racist *roll eyes*.. His ideas are socialism, he has no experience, and all his radical associations with people who hate this country (Ayers, Rev Wright, Farrakhan) is frightening at least. Any other person with his resume wouldn't even be able to get security clearance in the FBI of CIA. But he is "The One", so lets appoint him our Dear Leader for a life-long term. He'll be at the UN apologizing for America on day one. Sorry, I don't want a president who feels he needs to apologize for us. The "media"'s coverage of that "election" was a total sham, and so sickening that I gave up watching the news in July. It was an Obama worship fest. Since when has the media decided to support a candidate and give up actually reporting on news? Oh, and check out this message from Nick before you attack anyone who hates Obama.
So if you think his ideas are socialist, what was your position on the bailout? And before anyone accuses me of being an Obama backer, I actually was in support of Clinton.
Ah, the american fear of socialism and the EU. It's weird but if you call someone a liberal in Europe it wouldn't gain a reaction. In the US (just from what I've seen on tv and youtube... yeah, you could say I was an expert, lol) if you call someone a liberal it's often regarded as an insult.
But however I also have no reason to like Obama. As we've all seen before. Republicans and democrats all start wars and destroy a little bit of your industry. We have the same situation in this country with Labour and Conservative. Labour are supposedly the more liberl and Conservatives are the right winged party however they both have always gone for the safe middle ground when in power sinse the early nineties
It's not really about Republicans and Democrats in this country. That's just a farce. It's really about the rich and the poor. All those clowns in D.C. are in it for themselves. They are all bought and sold before they even get there.